Kannar Patouyar
Up until about 15 years ago, many households used to rear ducks and there were four types of ducks that were bred. They were the kannar patouyar or patouillard in French and manniy or manille in French, which are fertile and bardo ( or bardot) and mile (or mulet) that are infertile but produces great meat. Unfortunately very few household now rear ducks.

Kannar Manniy
The Kannar Patouyar is the most common duck on the island. It is closely related to the Canne de Rouen. The kannar manniy is closely related to the Muscovy duck or Canard de Barbarie and is supposed to have originated from Manilla in the Philipines. Although the flesh of the two ducks is good, it is the flesh from the cross of the two ducks that are sought after. In the Seychelles the crossing of the drake of the manniy and the duck of the patouyar results in the kannar mile and the crossing of the duck of the manniy and the drake of the patouyar results in the kannar bardo. Both ducks are infertile and the mile is used in the production of foie gras in France.
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