The aubergine or eggplant is a very popular and versatile vegetable that is added to curries, stews where the flesh absorbs all the delicious spices and flavours of the dish. It comes in different size, shape, and color, though typically purple.
Although the aubergine is used in so many ways, the chutney is the dish that is most widespread on the islands. The chutney is made by steaming or boiling cubed young aubergine until soft, mashing it with a fork and tossing it in hot oil with sliced onion, salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon, not forgetting the chilli. Another way to make the chutney is to roast the whole aubergine either in an oven or on hot charcoal and then scraping the cooked flesh on to a plate , mashing it and finishing it as explained above. It will have a smokey taste.The chutney would accompany curries as well as most fish dishes, especially the bouyon. The aubergine is at time also consumed as fritters.
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