The great barracuda or tazar is the larger of the two and its coloration is blue-gray above, fading to silvery and chalky-white below. Sometimes, a row of darker cross-bars occurs on its upper side, with black blotches on each lower side. The second dorsal fin and the anal and caudal fins range from dark violet to black with white tips
It’s a firm-textured fish with a moderate fat content and is best grilled or fried for ladob. Care is required when cleaning the fish as the teeth can cause severe lacerations
Bekine (Sphyraena jello)
The pickhandle barracuda or bekine is a large, streamlined predatory fish with a fierce appearance and is capable of quickly pursuing its prey using thrusts of the powerful, forked tail fin. The mouth of this species is large, reaching back level with the small eye, and is armed with long, sharp, dagger-like teeth. The dark bars that streak its sides are vertical in the lower half, but angled in the top half in the shape of a pick, giving this fish its common name. The pickhandle barracuda is light silver in colour, which acts as camouflage, making it difficult to see from below against the surface light.

The young bekin has a fine textured flesh which becomes drier as the fish matures. There is also the bekine vera which is bigger than the pickhandle and is not a good eating fish.
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