The Breadnut, which is an oblong, spiny fruit also known as seeded breadfruit is closely related to Jackfruit. It has little pulp and the entire interior of the fruit is dominated by a mass of brown seeds, rounded or flattened by compression, and about 2.5cm long. The fruits are not picked before maturity, but are allowed to drop and the seeds will be close together in a mushy mound. They are freed by removing the fleshy interior and firmer exterior casings.
Some countries use the immature fruit and seeds as a vegetable in soups , curries or stews. The fruit is thinly sliced, then boiled and used as a vegetable. In Seychelles we use only the mature seeds that resemble chestnuts in texture and flavour. They are either boiled, roasted or curried. When boiling, add salt to the water and boil for about 20 minutes. There is a flexible shell that needs to be removed before eating. Squeeze the nut with your thumb to crack and then peel it away.
The nuts are low in fat and high in protein.
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