The mackerel is a seasonal fish that travels in school of hundreds. They are approximately 25cm in length with an elongate body that is soft and slippery to handle. It has small scales with silver toning. The mackerel is mostly caught in nets off the beach.

Starting Beach Seining for Mackerel- Pe al lapes makro
The nets are dropped by pirogues on the seaside of the school of mackerel and pulled in a semicircle from two points on the shore. The mackerels end up being trapped into the net and pulled ashore; a scene that has now become a popular attraction for the tourists, especially along the Beau Vallon Beach.
There are two main types of mackerel that are caught on the island. These are makro gro lizie ( big eyes) or makro pti lizie ( small eyes) which is the preferred one.

Pulling the mackerel net on Beau Vallon Beach on Mahe Island.
Mackerel has a soft and oily flesh. It is ideal for grilling or boukannen and for cooking in a curry with coconut milk and turmeric. They also have fine bones that make them tricky to eat if you are an amateur!
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