This page features posts on selected personalities who have made major contributions that have had historical, legal, cultural and administrative impact on the Seychelles Islands as a whole. These will include civic commanders, landowners, corsairs, politicians, Governers, people who were exiled in Seychelles, plus more. Most of these personalities have been forgotten and need to be acknowledged and this is what we aim to achieve through this page. Most of the posts are contributed by Mr. Julien Durup. They are from articles that he has prepared over the years, some of which have been previously published and some not.

Julien Durup
Born on Praslin Seychelles in 1944, Julien Durup was educated at La Digue and Mahé. He studied book binding, print finishing in London and archival restoration in Paris. He has written many historical articles relating to the Seychelles. His books include:
1. The History of La Digue 2009, and currently working on a revised version.
2. The Seychelles Islands and its First Landowners 1786-1833, 2013.
3. Seafaring Adventures and Conflicts in the Indian Ocean 3500BCE-1811CE, 2017 and
4. The Seychelles 1770-1903: Its laws and other interesting topics, 2019.
On 29 November 2019, the University of Seychelles awarded him an Honorary Doctorate (Honoris Causa). On 19 September 2020, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Maurice-Rodrigues Genealogy Circle. He was awarded a certificate of recognition for his investment as a volunteer in the processing of archival documents in Mauritius