Romans Seselwa
Romans is derived from the French word ‘romance’. Etymologically, romance comes from Anglo-Norman and Old French “romanz”, which means a story of chivalry and love. It means romantic stories with chivalrous feats of heroes and knights comprising stories and legends of duty, courage, boldness, battles, and rescues of damsels in distress.
In this post, and others to follow, we will use the Seychellois creole word ‘romans’ and not the French ‘romance’. The word “romance” also refers to romantic love.

This page is dedicated to a few persons whom I love so much and who have greatly contributed to my appreciation of our Romans Seselwa:
Tante Margot (Marguerite Lablache) who took care of me when dad passed away. ‘Le Petit Mousse’ was one of her favourite romans. She would sing it all the time when inspecting her vegetable garden and vanilla plantation.
Tante Renée (Renée Barallon), who was the Head Mistress at St Joseph School, Grand’Anse Praslin, who had a large collection of romans and children songs. She taught us a few of the romans when I was a pupil at the school.
Manman Merna Vidot of Takamaka, for the handwritten manuscript containing over 200 romans, that she kindly gave me about 20 years ago. The manuscript is handwritten, and many pages were stuck together with sticky tape. This, unfortunately, over the years, have resulted the deterioration of the document rendering some of the romans illegible.

Part of the Manuscript of Romans from Manman Merna Vidot
Marie-Thérese Mondon ( Célice’s mum) who kindly gave me access to her small collection of hand-written romans and who would loved to sing ‘Vole la Colombe’ . I will cherish her songs for as long as I live.
Nenn Gaté- who was our neighbour when we lived at Grand’Anse Praslin. She used to organise moutya sessions every Saturday evening in the yard in front of her house. Her favourite romans was ‘Le Regret de la Vie’.
I would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everybody who have kindly donated their collection of romans. I will gradually compile all of them in this page with the hope that one day I can produce an ebooklet version for all to freely access.
Your contribution is welcomed
Finally, I look forward to any contribution that would assist in making this collection of romans as accurate and comprehensive as possible.
Your contribitions can be in different ways:
You can contribute songs that have been fully edited; part of a song and requesting other participants to complete; unedited songs that require editing and requesting the editing. Your contribution may also be in the actual editing of the songs. As we all know, all the songs are in French and, despite the fact that most of us can speak French, it is not an easy language to write, especially in song format.
Before you access the list of Romans please read the two posts below so that you will get a broader understanding of the songs:
Romans in Seychelles
The Themes of the Romans Seselwa
List of Romans Seselwa
Please click on the song title of the romans to access the full song. Some songs are not linked yet. This will happen progressively. This list will also gradually expand.
- Aime-moi Bien
- A La Mignonne
- Adieu Iles Charmentes
- Adieu
- Aimez
- Amour Tendre
- Allons Voltiger vers le Ciel + Audio
- Andréa
- Après Toi Je n’aurais Plus D’amour
- Beau Pinson
- Bon Espoire et Bon Courage
- Beau Papillon + Audio
- Belle Brune
- Bouquet Chéri
- Bouton de Rose
- Brise Amoureuse
- Brise des nuits
- Chante Petit Oiseau
- Charles + Audio
- Charme d’Amour
- Cruelle Amante
- Dans sa Pauvre Chaumière
- D’où Viens-Tu Beau Nuage
- Déclaration d’Amour
- Delaissant La Route Poudreuse
- Denise
- Dieu m’a Conduit Vers Vous
- Etoile des Neiges + Audio
- Fille d’Orient + Audio
- Fleur Cherie
- Graziella
- Isabelle se Promène
- Il faut Chanter
- J’ai Vingt Ans
- J’avais une Amoureuse Bien Belle
- Jardins des fleurs
- Je t’ai Donnée Mon Coeur
- Je N’aime Que Toi
- Je Suis à ta Puissance + Audio
- Je Suis Jeune et Gentille
- Je t’aime Encore
- Je Vous ai Tant Aimé
- Jeune Fille
- Jeune Fille Bien Aimée
- Joli Bouquet
- Joyeux Epoux – Original audio and music
- L’Absence
- L’amant Jaloux
- L’envers des Cieux
- L’exilé
- L’Indienne et son Fils
- L’orsque Mon Coeur a Ton Regard de Flame
- La Bateliere
- La Bretagne
- La Chanson des Adieux + Audio
- La Colombe- La Paloma Adieu + Audio
- La Délaissée + Audio
- La Grise Hirondelle+ Audio
- La Poitrinaire de 15 ans
- L’espoire de Bertha
- Louise
- Le Petit Mousse
- La fille d’un Geôlier
- La Fille du Gange
- La Fille du Pêcheur
- La Fleur Solitaire
- La Negresse Vendue
- La Négresse
- L’amour d’un jour
- La Noël
- La Nuit
- La Perfidie
- La Piété Filiale
- La Poitrinaire de Vingt Ans
- La Prière d’une Mère
- La Prière d’une Vierge
- La Providence
- La Rose et Le Papillon + Audio
- La Saison Nouvelle
- La Valse des Adieux
- Le Dernier Baiser
- Le Drapeau
- Le Jour de Votre Mariage
- Le Jardinier Fleuriste
- Le Jeune Exilé
- Le Juif Errant
- Le Lilas Blanc
- Le Lys et le Papillon + Audio
- Le Martyr Infernal
- Le Matelot
- Le Mourant
- Le Mousse
- Le Myosotis
- Le Nid
- Le papillon
- Le Regret de la Vie + Audio
- Le Souvenir
- Les Adieux d’une Amante
- Les Adieux du Créole
- Les Quatres Fleurs
- Les Sentiers de Roses + Audio
- Les Secrets du Coeur
- Les Voeux du Bonheur
- Ma Vie Solitaire
- Malgré Toi
- Manon
- Marguerite
- Martha
- Mes Chers Amis
- Mes Chers Amis
- Mignon
- Mon Pauvre Coeur
- Ne me Fais Pas Souffrir
- Nous Nous Reverrons –Nous Encore
- Parais à ta Fenêtre
- Pars
- Rendez moi Mes Beaux Jours
- Retour d’un Marin
- Sans Argent
- Seul ici Dans ce Bois
- Si Vous m’aviez Aimé
- Soldat Prisonnier
- Sous les Cieux- link audio
- Souviens Toi
- Sur le Gazon
- Temoin Muet
- Un Soir en Songe
- Veritable Amour + Audio
- Vole Colombe + Audio

I look forward to any contribution that would assist in making this collection of romans as accurate and comprehensive as possible.
Your contributions can be in different ways:
You can contribute songs that have been fully edited; part of a song and requesting other participants to complete; unedited songs that require editing and requesting the editing. Your contribution may also be in the actual editing of the songs. As we all know, all the songs are in French and, despite the fact that most of us can speak French, it is not an easy language to write, especially in song format.
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