Soursop is a fruit that is often pear shaped with a dark green skin and soft, green spines that grows wild all over the islands. It has a very pleasant scent when ripe and is rich in vitamin C, making wonderfully refreshing drinks. It has a sweet-sour flavour and a very special, delicious taste of its own. It is a difficult fruit to pick. If it is picked too early it will not ripen, but if it is picked too ripe it will bruise easily and not tolerate transporting. Soursop pulp can be prepared in advance and the drink is made from the pulp.
To prepare the pulp, you break open the ripe fruit, remove the core and the flesh with your hands, discarding as many seeds as possible; the skin is very delicate and peels off easily. Pass the flesh in a sieve with a wooden spoon or pestle. Soursop can be very fibrous. Discard what does not go through the sieve.
Soursop may also be eaten as is if not too sour or it can also be used in small quantities in fresh fruit salad as its taste can be quite overpowering. It can also be made into jam and it takes on a jellylike consistency.
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