The sea has always played and continues to play an important role in the lives of all Seychellois.
In this page, we will have posts through which we will attempt to give credit to some of these vessels that were built in Seychelles as well as diligently served the islands. To reach and live in these islands, our fathers and forefathers needed vessels built by skilled artisans and courageous men and women to sail them. Many of these vessels were built in Seychelles and a few were acquired from different parts of the world. The Seychelles were fully dependent on these vessels up until the construction of the airport. These vessels were mainly the schooners some of which plied the inner islands whereas some travelled all over the Indian Ocean as well as the Pacific Ocean.
We will also have posts on the different fishing techniques, including harpooning, hand lining, the use of fish traps and many more. We will also describe how some of the tools used are made, including the fish traps, the different types of pirogues etc…
These posts will also feature incidents that have costed lives including shipwrecks etc… Please click on the links below to learn more:
Shipbuilding In Seychelles in the Early Years
The shipwreck of the corsair Hirondelle on Bird Island.
The pirogues and canoes of Seychelles -Pirog, katyolo ek Saloup Sesel
The Brig Josephine Loizeau
The wreck of the Barque Lancier