The underground stem of a ginger-like plant provides this spice, which is available whole or ground. Ready ground turmeric is the most commonly available. It is a deep- yellow, fine powder with a woody, slightly acrid bouquet. Its flavour is warm and slightly aromatic with a bitter undertone. The powder will keep its colouring properties indefinitely if stored in an airtight container away from sunlight. The flavour of the powder will however diminish with time, so it is wise to buy in small quantities as needed. As a colouring agent, Turmeric should be used in moderation as its flavour is far from neutral. The local chef calls turmeric “safran” probably because it has the colouring characteristics of saffron. Turmeric is a popular spice in Seychellois Creole cuisine.
Turmeric is also a powerful medicine that has long been used in the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat a wide variety of conditions, including flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest pain, and colic.
Turmeric is a spice that has been very popular to the residents of La Digue.
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