Bitter gourd or margoz, sliced and tossed in hot oil with sliced onion, lime juice and a touch of cracked pepper and chilli, is full of goodness and is the perfect accompaniment to a spicy curry or grilled fish.
Wash the gourds in running water, pat dry
Slit open lengthwise one side of the gourd and scrape off the central core of seed with a small spoon, rinse.
Thinly slice the flesh into small roundels and soak in slightly salted water for about 15 minutes. You may decide to slice it in the traditional way using a sharp knife or go modern by using a mandoline slicer. You will get even slices if using a mandoline. (note 1)
Drain from water and firmly squeeze or wring off the excess water from the gourd using a cloth. This is meant to remove some if the bitterness from the gourd.
Heat oil in a pan and sweat onion.
Add the bitter gourd and toss or stir or about 5 minutes. Add the lemon juice and season. ( note 2)
Give a quick stir and remove from heat.
Serve as accompaniment to a grilled fish or spicy curry
You can also use the mandoline slicer for the one gourd or two gourd procedure (as explained in the post).