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Mung Beans with Salted Pork - Zanberik ek Pork Sale
Prep Time
12 hrs
Cook Time
30 mins

Mung Beans with Salted Pork - Zanberik ek Pork Sale- is a traditional Seychellois dish that is highly nutritious and packed with the tropical flavours of turmeric, coconut milk, ginger and garlic.

Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Creole
Servings: 4
Author: The Creole Melting Pot
  • 400 g mung beans  
  • 500 g salted pork  
  • 500 ml water
  • 1 tin full cream coconut milk
  • 1 tsp crushed ginger
  • ½ tsp turmeric
  • 4 cloves garlic- crushed
  • ½ onion- chopped
  • Salt & pepper
  1. Sort through the mung beans, discarding discolored or shriveled beans and any grit or dirt. Rinse in cold, running water until water runs clear. Drain well.

  2. Place the mung beans in a large bowl and soak for at least 12 hours.

  3. Wash your salted pork very thoroughly to remove as much surface salt as possible and place in a pot and boil for about 25 minutes.

  4. Remove the pork from cooking liquour, allow it to cool and cut into small bite-size portions and keep. Also, keep the cooking liquour because you may decide to add some of it to the dish. Be careful though, check for the level of saltiness, because the cooking liquor may make your dish too salty.

  5. In a large pot, combine mung beans and water and bring to boil over medium heat. Skim off, any impurities that float to the surface using a perforated spoon,

  6. Simmer for about 15 minutes or until the mung beans have softened and skins have burst and most of the water has been absorbed. Stir your beans constantly, ensuring that they do not stick to the bottom of the pot.

  7. Remove the pot from the heat and use a potato masher and roughly mash the beans until it becomes creamy.

  8. Add the coconut milk and mix thoroughly, then add the turmeric, stir it in and then mix in all the other ingredients, including the salted pork meat .

  9. Place the pot back on the fire and simmer for another 15 minutes. If the mix is too thick you will need to thin it out with some water, or you may decide to add some of the cooking liquour in which the pork was boiled to the dish to thin it and to add that extra flavour. Be careful though, check for the level of saltiness, because the cooking liquor may make your dish too salty. Your end product should be of a thick flowing consistency but not too thick as it will keep on thickening when cooling down.

  10. The dish should be of a thick flowing consistency but not too thick as it will keep on thickening when cooling down. If the beans become too thick, add more water as required.

  11. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Recipe Notes

When you buy mung beans, the instructions on the packet may ask you to cook it without soaking. We have found out that if we soak our mung beans overnight, we end up with a far creamier dish, that cooks much faster, than if they are not soaked.